News Releases
NV Energy Installs Program’s Largest Solar Water Heating System at Senior Living Apartments
May 8, 2012
Systems are expected to conserve over 3,300 therms of natural gas every year
Reno’s Community Services Agency (CSA) will celebrate the installation of two solar water heating systems on Tuesday, May 15, at 11:30 a.m. Both systems were installed at the Rev. Willie J. Wynn Orvis Ring Senior Living apartments in Reno. Project costs were partially offset with a $60,000 rebate from NV Energy’s RenewableGenerations incentive program.
“We are proud to be a partner with NV Energy in this innovative project which will lower the bills of the elderly in our community,” said Cloyd Phillips, executive director at Community Services Agency.
The largest solar water heating project in Nevada, installed through NV Energy’s RenewableGeneration’s program, is expected to save about 3,300 therms of natural gas annually for the apartment complex. The two systems were installed by the Clean Energy Center of Reno.
NV Energy’s Solar Water Heater Program was introduced in February 2011 and offers incentives to electric and natural gas customers who install solar water heating. A solar hot water system works in conjunction with a regular water heating system. A properly sized and installed solar system can provide all the needed hot water until the water it provides falls below a certain temperature due to lack of sun at night or during inclement weather. When this happens, the regular system will turn on ensuring customers are never without adequate hot water. Solar water heating also reduces monthly power bills.
Rebate Increases Announced
Program rebates for customers with electric water heaters are being increased effective May 15, from $1,500 to $2,500 for northern Nevada customers of NV Energy and $1,500 to $2,250 for customers in southern Nevada, according to John Hargrove, manager of energy efficiency and conservation for NV Energy. Rebates for customers with natural gas water heaters will remain at $14.50 per therm saved annually for residential customers and $19 per therm for nonprofit customers.
“This is a landmark project for our region and we are honored to work with CSA to provide energy-saving alternatives to residents,” Hargrove said. “The residents at Orvis Ring will be using the latest in renewable technology and as an apartment community will conserve a large amount of natural gas every year.”
Tuesday’s project dedication will be held at 325 E. 7th Street, near the intersection of Evans Ave and just south of UNR.
For additional information on any of NV Energy’s conservation programs, including the solar water incentive program, log onto or call (775) 834-4444.
For further information: Media Contact: Karl Walquist (775) 834-3891