News Releases
Application Deadline Extended for Solar Projects
Nov 20, 2013
The application deadline for NV Energy’s SolarGenerations program has been extended for residential customers and small businesses statewide, and schools in northern Nevada, that want to install photovoltaic solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity.
At the close of the initial application period on Nov. 15, NV Energy had fully subscribed three of six customer categories and had received 214 applications for projects that could generate up to 7 megawatts of electricity, according to John Hargrove, the program manager. He said approximately 4 megawatts of solar capacity are still available for the next round of projects. NV Energy will continue to accept applications until all the remaining categories are fully subscribed or until Dec. 31, 2013. Participants must be NV Energy electric customers, and applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
Rebates for the upcoming round of solar projects will range from 50 cents per watt for residential customers and small businesses to $1 per watt for schools. Anyone with questions about the application process should call toll free at (866) 786-3823 or contact the program by email at
The SolarGenerations program was established in 2003 by the Nevada State Legislature to encourage Nevadans to invest directly in renewable energy. Since the start of the program, customers have installed 37 megawatts of solar power in Nevada. Visit the SolarGenerations website for more information about the program.
For further information: Karl Walquist (775) 834-3891 or Michelle Booth (702) 402-5252