News Releases

Electric System Improvements in Churchill County

Feb 14, 2014

NV Energy crews are upgrading the power lines that deliver electricity to approximately 100 customers who live along Lima Lane and portions of St. Clair Road southwest of Fallon.

New power poles, wire and other equipment installed will improve the reliability of the 12,500-volt electric distribution system that serves the area, according to Laney Elmore, senior lines administrator with NV Energy. She said the original equipment for the homes and farms in the area dated back to as early as the 1930s and was subject to overloading during the summer.

The improvement project is being constructed in four phases. Thus far, crews have replaced 24 power poles and changed the configuration of the electric distribution line, beefing it up by expanding it from a two-wire to a four-wire system capable of handling larger electrical loads.

Additional work will be required in 2014 and 2015 to complete the upgrade.

Elmore said the total project cost for the sections already completed is $270,000.

NV Energy serves approximately 8,800 electric customers in Churchill County.   

For further information: Karl Walquist (775) 834-3891