News Releases

Sierra Pacific Customers Use Record Amounts of Electricity

Jun 9, 1996

Sierra Pacific Power Company
Contact: Karl Walquist/Robert Sagan
Phone: (775)834-4345

For Immediate Release

After several days of 90 degree-plus temperatures, Sierra Pacific Power Co. customers established a new single-day electric consumption record when they used 1,162 megawatt between 3 and 4 p.m. on Friday, June 7.

That surpasses the previous all-time high electric consumption of 1,151 megawatts set on Dec. 18, 1995.

The record was attributed to greater air conditioning use as temperatures continued above normal last week. Company officials said the utility experienced no problems serving its 270,000 electric customers in northern Nevada and northeastern California during that period of higher-than-normal demand.

According to Sierra Pacific spokesperson Bob Sagan,"This may well be only the first of several electric peaks since summer hasn't even officially begun. We're not accustomed to peaks this early as a rule, but we anticipate no problems serving our customers'energy needs."