News Releases
Changes to Renewable RFP Provisions
Nov 27, 2001
Contact: Colin Duncan
Phone: (775) 834-4417
For Immediate Release
November 21, 2001 Addendum
Item 1
Nevada Power Company's motion in Docket No. 01-7016 regarding an extension to
the RFP response due date was denied by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada
(PUCN) on Monday, November 5, 2001. A hearing was conducted on Monday, November
19, 2001, regarding the motion with the same result being made at the conclusion
of the hearing. This decision does not impact the addendum made to the RFP on
November 1, 2001.
November 1, 2001 Addendum
Sierra Pacific Power Company's motion in Docket No. 01-7004 regarding an extension to the RFP response due date was denied by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) on Thursday, November 1, 2001. The Nevada Power motion made in Docket No. 01-7016, regarding an extension to the RFP response due date is set to be heard by the PUCN on a special agenda hearing on Monday, November 5, 2001.
Stipulations in both dockets noted above were signed by numerous parties and approved by the PUCN on October 1, 2001, directing the utilities to issue renewable RFPs. Those stipulations also required that"the RFP will direct that those wishing to respond do so no later than November 5, 2001."In conformance with that stipulation, the utilities have made modifications to Sections 3 through 6 of the Proposal Instructions of the original RFPs which distinguish between responses to the RFP and proposals to sell a supply of renewable power to the utility as follows:
- Sec. 6: All responses must be received by the utility's RFP contact no later than 5:00 PM (PPT) on November 5, 2001. Late and/or incomplete responses shall not be considered. A response is considered to be an affirmative indication by the prospective bidder that it intends to submit a proposal on or before November 30, 2001. Responses provided by November 5 may be accompanied by a proposal to sell a supply of renewable power to the utility.
- Sec. 5: All responses must be properly completed and submitted by any of the following methods: 1) overnight courier or U.S. mail, in hard copy, 2) electronic version, or 3) facsimile to the utility's RFP Contact.
- All respondents who have satisfied the conditions 1 and 2 above shall be allowed to submit to the utility proposals, updates, supplements, addendums or revisions of its original proposal(s) or may withdraw its proposal(s). All proposals, updates, supplements, addendums, revisions or proposal withdrawals must be received by the utility's RFP Contact by no later than 5:00 PM (PPT) on November 30, 2001. Late and/or incomplete proposals, updates, supplements, addendums, revisions or proposal withdrawals shall not be considered.
All proposals, updates, supplements, addendums, revisions or proposal withdrawals, including all attachments, must be properly completed and submitted by: 1) overnight courier or Registered or Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, in hard copy and 2) electronic version, to utility's RFP Contact.
- Sec. 4: A duly authorized officer of the Respondent must sign the final proposal(s) submitted by the Respondent. A signed written original proposal and an electronic copy, including all attachments, must be submitted to the utility RFP Contact by no later than 5:00 PM (PPT) on November 30, 2001.
All other terms, provisions and conditions of the original RFPs remain unchanged.
Sierra Pacific Power Company and Nevada Power Company filed motions with the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada (PUCN) on Monday, October 22, 2001, requesting an extension of the due date for renewable RFP responses to November 30, 2001. The Sierra motion was made in Docket No. 01-7004, its 2001-2020 Electric Resource Plan docket. The Nevada Power motion was made in Docket No. 01-7016, its 2001-2020 Electric Resource Plan docket. Click below to view copies of those filings.