News Releases

Nevada Power Achieves New System Peak

Jul 8, 2002

Nevada Power Company
Contact:Sonya Headen
Phone: (702) 367-5222

For Immediate Release

Las Vegas, Nevada -Nevada Power announcedtoday that a new record system peak of 4,488 megawatts was recorded Tuesday,July 9, at 5 p.m.

Last year's system peak occurredMonday, July 2, at 5 p.m. with a recording of 4,412 megawatts.

Since 1994, the peak demand has risenannually from 2,851 megawatts to today's peak. The company said it is likelythat today's peak could be surpassed this summer, possibly as early as thisweek. The increase in demand can be attributed to customer growth. Nevada Powerhas grown from more than 403,000 customers in 1994 to more than 630,000 customerstoday.

During these high temperatures, customerscan save money by conserving energy while still maintaining comfort by followingthese easy tips:

  • Turn off all un-necessary appliances
  • Increase your air conditioningthermostat settings 4-6 degrees---set to about 84 degrees
  • Use fans to keep the air moving
  • Cook your evening meals laterin the day, preferably after 7 p.m. Cook outside.
  • Run appliances such as dishwashers,washing machines and dryers, later in the evening after 7 p.m.
