News Releases

Sierra Pacifc Foundation Donates to 11 Groups

Mar 23, 2000

March 24, 2000
Sierra Pacific Resources
Contact: Bob Sagan
Phone: (775) 834-4834

For Immediate Release

$17,650 Donated in February

The Sierra Pacific Foundation, charitable arm of Sierra Pacific Power Co. and Nevada Power Co., donated $17,650 to 11 community groups in February. Recipients included:

* American Cancer Society

* Juvenile Diabetes Foundation

* American Red Cross

* Muscular Dystrophy Association

* Nevada Hispanic Services

* Northern Nevada Literacy Council

* Piper's Opera House

* Christmas in April

* UNR Redfield Campus

* Washoe County Sheriff's D.A.R.E. Program

* The National Conference for Community and Justice

When Nevada Power and Sierra Pacific merged last year, they brought together their charitable contributions and support for non-profit organizations in an effort to provide more assistance where it is needed.

Unfortunately, a series of recent decisions by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada have reduced the amount of money the company is able to contribute, through its Sierra Pacific Resources Foundation, to charitable causes.

In spite of these developments, Karen Foster, community relations manager for Sierra Pacific Power, reemphasized the company's strong and continuing commitment to be a good corporate citizen, support community organizations and those in need, and contribute to the high quality of life in Nevada. On a statewide basis, the total the value of cash and in-kind contributions made by the company during the year 2000 is still expected to exceed $600,000.