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If you're a working journalist that works out of a newsroom location, you'll see our news come in over the wire. If you happen to be working from home or are interested in a more direct way of receiving our news releases, we offer you two distinct and automated options.

1. Email alerts. You may sign up to receive our news releases via email. The release will come to your email as body text within the message. You may unsubscribe at any time on this site or using the link at the end of each release you receive via email.

2. RSS Feed. If you use an RSS Reader, you may add our site update feed to your reader to receive updates. Of course you may unsubscribe from the feed at any time.

We hope that your interest in our industry and our company continues. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to improve our process in order to make your job as a reporter or editor easier.